We always welcome new members! Immediately upon joining our club, you will be assigned a mentor, who will help you with the ins and outs of our weekly Tuesday morning routine.Full membership in TWC is $73 per season and includes preferred Tuesday morning tee times, participation in weekly tournaments and special club events, a certified USGA handicap, and the opportunity (with modest additional dues of $20) to participate in statewide and regional competitions run by Southern New England Women’s Golf Association (SNEWGA).
Beyond that, it offers the opportunity to meet and make friends with other women who share your love of the game, and to stay connected with them from season to season. We feel we provide the best golf value and camaraderie around–come join us and see for yourself!
For more information, please contact us at
Forms to be used to sign up for various TWC events:
(Note: Currently these are just files that you can print yourself and mail in. In time these will be converted to online forms that you can fill out here and they will be automatically sent to the appropriate committee.)
On this page you will find a link to the Tournament Results from each Tuesday’s play. It will lead you to the Golf Genius site where you can view all the results and the stats.

(last updated on 3/12/2021)
Written by Donna Courchaine
Your Handicap Index is now calculated using the 8 best scores out of the most recent 20
scores. Your Handicap index is now updated daily by the GHIN system.
Everyone now has a single 18-hole Handicap Index.
A unique 9-hole Handicap Index (N) no longer exists, but when playing a 9-hole tournament at Tallwood, your 9-hole course handicap will be calculated by Golf Genius.
Your handicap will be interchangeable for both 9-hole and 18-hole play.
Nine-hole scores will be combined to form 18-hole scores in the new system.
A Handicap Index is issued to a new player after three 18-hole scores are submitted and a revision takes place. Scores can be made up of any combination of 9-hole and 18-hole scores.
The maximum Handicap Index for all players is now 54.0. This results in a maximum of 60 handicap strokes for Tallwood front tees.
Calculation of Course Handicap now includes (Course Rating – Course PAR) as well as Slope Rating. (For some courses, this can be quite different than the old calculation.)
We will again be using Golf Genius for our tournaments, and your TWC play will be entered for each hole and then posted for you to GHIN by Golf Genius.
You must post other scores for all rounds played, as soon as possible. Scores can be posted at the Tallwood Pro Shop computer; online at, or on the GHIN APP, on your mobile devices.
When you post each hole, the system will give you any adjustments automatically.
When you post a round, you will have to adjust your own score, as follows:
The Maximum Hole Score is limited to NET DOUBLE BOGEY, defined as Par + 2 + the number of handicap strokes received for that hole. This replaces the previous ESC rules. Here’s a table that will help you determine your maximum hole score.
Maximum Hole Score for Handicap Purposes – (Net Double Bogey)
This is used ONLY when determining your ADJUSTED score for posting.
The maximum hole score for each player is limited to a Net Double Bogey.
It replaces the old ESC table.
PAR +2 +any hcp strokes received for that hole (your course hcp)
PAR: | +2 | +0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 |
3 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
4 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
5 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Questions? Please contact the Handicap Chair.
Thinking about joining our Club this year?
Opening Day and New Member Orientation will take place on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Golf Shotgun at 9:30, orientation following. For more information, please contact us at

2025 Board and Committee Members
Executive Board:
President: Laurie Masciandaro
Vice President: Denise Roman
Secretary: Marcia Robbins
Treasurer: Kathy Geer
Committee Chairs:
Tournament: Donna Courchaine
Ringers Birdie/Par: Joan Curtis
Engraving of Perpetual Trophies: Donna Kortikowski
Handicaps: Joan Curtis
Communications: Diana Ruddick
Membership/Handbook: Marcia Robbins
Cheer: Velvet Welch
SNEWGA: Terri Schenk
Social: Louise Benson & Cheryl Brown
Memorial Garden: Bev Sleeper & Betsy Preble
Past President: Louise Benson
SNEWGA was first organized in 1956. Today SNEWGA numbers 30 member clubs and its program includes Round Robin, Pro-Lady, Team Day, Invitational, Fall Cup Matches, Seniors Championships and Tournament of Champions.
Membership in SNEWGA affords participants the opportunity for competitive golf; improving our game while building new friendships as we meet and play with active members of other clubs throughout Connecticut. Each member club is required to host a major tournament or invitational every three years.
PAR RINGERS: Only pars from Tournament play at Tallwood may be posted. This is for high handicappers only: eighteen hole players with handicaps 35 and higher; nine hole players with handicaps 18 and higher.
BIRDIE RINGERS: Only birdies from Tournament play at Tallwood may be posted. Everyone is eligible.
RINGER CARDS: RINGERS are tracked by GOLF GENIUS. This year-long tournament will be flighted. Cut-off date to be determined by the Tournament Committee.
YELLOW PENALTY AREA: Any sea, lake, pond, river, ditch, surface drainage ditch or other open water course (regardless of whether or not it contains water), and anything of a similar nature. All ground or water within the margin of a water hazard, whether or not it be covered with any growing substance, is part of the water hazard. The margin of a water hazard is deemed to extend vertically upwards and downwards. This area is defined by yellow stakes.
RED PENALTY AREA: is a water hazard or that part of a water hazard so situated that it is not possible or is deemed by the Committee to be impractical to drop a ball behind the water hazard and keep the spot at which the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard between the player and the hole. This area is defined by red stakes.
HANDICAP: All official TWC tournament scorecards must be submitted to the scorecard box on day of play. Adjusted scores will be calculated and posted to GHIN by GOLF GENIUS. Cards must include full names of players and be signed.
ALL SCORES from other rounds played at Tallwood AND other courses must be recorded in GHIN by the player, preferably on the day of play. These scores should be entered hole by hole, and GHIN will determine your adjusted score. If you enter only a total score, you must make the adjusts yourself. As of 2020, there are new adjustment rules that you need to use; so it’s easier if you enter hole by hole.
We will transfer established USGA Handicaps from other clubs for new members. New members without handicaps will be handicapped after they have posted three (3) 18 hole rounds, in any combination of 9 and 18 hole rounds. There are no longer separate 9- and 18-hole handicaps. Always check the bulletin board for handicap revisions.
Tallwood Women’s Club recognizes a maximum Handicap Index of 54 which converts to a course handicap of 60 at for 18 holes at Tallwood and 30-32 for 9 holes.
When in attendance, participation in weekly tournaments is mandatory.
A player’s score for each hole is capped at a maximum set by the Committee. Tallwood Women’s Club is setting a maximum score of 10.
A player who does not complete a hole (often referred to informally as “picking up”) is not disqualified, but simply gets the maximum score for that hole.
This is NOT an option, we expect all players to use this whenever necessary, in the interest of pace of play for the entire playing field.
Four hours and fifteen minutes is the expected pace of play for 18 hole groups. (1/2 of this for the 9 hole groups)
Keep carts on path or in rough. Cross the fairway at 90 degrees.
No. 3 Option A – When tee shot goes into pond, re-tee, hitting 3.
Option B – When tee shot goes into pond, proceed to Drop Area, hitting 3.
No. 6 Out of bounds beyond stone wall on left side of fairway.
No. 7 Free lift from drainage ditch in front of left fairway Trap, one club length, no nearer the hole.
No. 8 Left of fairway is a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 10 Swampy area in woods to left of ditch is not deemed as casual water.
No. 11 YELLOW PENALTY AREA rule applies. Use drop area.
No. 12 Option A – When tee shot goes into pond, re-tee, hitting 3.
Option B – When tee shot goes into pond, proceed to drop area, hitting 3.
Option C – When tee shot goes into pond, drop ball at point where ball crosses hazard, hitting 3.
Option D: – Use new optional drop area, hitting 3.
No. 13 Water on right of fairway is a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 14 Ditch and culvert on right side of fairway near trap, play as a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 15 Play as a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 16 Free lift from stone drainage ditch in front of women’s tee.
No. 17 Pond is a YELLOW PENALTY AREA. Use drop area.
No. 18 Pond on right side of fairway is a RED PENALTY AREA.
Stones may be removed from all bunkers without penalty.
There are no drops from stone walls. They are considered an integral part of the golf course.
Local and USGA Rules apply to weekly tournaments. In major tournament play, USGA rules govern play. Refer to your “Rules of Golf” Manual. If a dispute arises, drop another ball and continue play. Confer with the Pro or the Vice-President when the round is completed as to which ball is correct.
CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS (Revised April 16, 2013)
ARTICLE I - Name and Object
Sec. 1 This Club shall be called Tallwood Women’s Club.
Sec. 2 Its objectives are to promote greater interest in the game of golf; to regulate the activities of the 9 and/or 18 hole golfer; to schedule competitive tournaments, including a Club Championship, to be open to all qualifying women golfers; and to create new friendships and encourage good sportsmanship .
ARTICLE II – Officers
Sec.1 The Executive Officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Sec.2 The President shall preside at all Board, Club and special meetings and call such at her discretion. She will be an ex-officio member of all committees. She will be an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors during the year(s) immediately following her presidency.
Sec.3 The Vice President shall assist the President, and in her absence, assume the duties of the President. It will be her responsibility to chair and appoint the nominating committee and coordinate the Mentor Program. In addition she will assist the membership in clarifying the USGA rules.
Sec.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Club and Board meetings, be responsible for necessary correspondence, and turn over her minutes to the incoming secretary.
Sec. 5 The Treasurer shall prepare a budget to be presented at the Spring meeting, collect all monies, pay all bills, keep records for possible audit, and prepare an accounting sheet of monies received and expended for the year to be presented at the Fall meeting. She shall turn over all records to the incoming treasurer.
ARTICLE III – Board of Governors
Sec. 1 The Board of Governors shall consist of the Executive Officers and all committee and sub-committee chairpersons. All members of the Board of Governors shall be voting members of the Board.
Sec. 2 A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board of Governors. Voting decisions shall be based on a simple majority of the quorum present.
Sec. 3 In the event of vacancies on the Board of Governors after the annual elections, such vacancies shall be filled by a simple majority of the quorum present.
Sec.4 The Board of Governors shall have general charge and control of the affairs, funds and property of the club.
Sec.5 The Board of Governors shall make and amend its own rules and make other rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Constitution.
Sec.6 The Board of Governors can suspend, censure or expel a member of the club by 2/3 vote when action is warranted.
Sec.7 The Board of Governors shall receive and hear all complaints in writing from any member and make a full investigation.
Sec.8 The Board of Governors shall formulate and propose amendments to the Constitution as found necessary for action by the membership.
Sec.9 The Board of Governors may call a special meeting of the club at anytime or a member may submit a petition signed by 1/8 of the membership, requesting a special meeting, giving at least one week’s notice to time and place of meeting to members. Quorum shall consist of 25 percent of the membership.
Sec.10 Board members are expected to attend all board meetings
Sec.11 Order of business at Board of Governor’s meetings: 1) Roll Call; 2) Reading of Minutes and action and correction thereon; 3) Reading of Treasurer’s report and action; 4) Reports from President and Vice President; 5) Reports from all committee chairpersons; 6) Unfinished business; 7) New business; 8) Adjournment.
ARTICLE IV – Committees
Sec.1 The Tournament Committee shall prepare a schedule of tournaments for the season and arrange a Club Championship for all qualified Tallwood Women’s Club golfers. It shall determine the types of prizes (Pro Shop credit or gifts) and the amount of money involved and the number of flights. They shall submit same to the Board of Governors for approval. After approval by the Board of Governors, the tournament schedule shall be submitted to the owners of Tallwood for approval. When all approvals are obtained, the schedule shall be turned over to the Communications Chair. The Tournament Committee shall record and post winners of all tournaments. In the event of inclement weather, the Tournament Chair, or her designee, will determine if the tournament should be cancelled. The ringer records, birdie par tree and trophy engraving are also the responsibility of this committee.
Sec.2 The Handicap Committee shall be responsible for submitting necessary handicap records to the GHIN system and for posting updated handicaps in a timely manner.
Sec. 3 The Social Committee shall make all arrangements for the Spring and Fall meetings. It shall be responsible for refreshments on tournament days when required. It shall arrange luncheons when necessary on guest days and special tournament days and provide hostesses.
Sec.4 The Vice-President shall work in conjunction with the Tournament Committee and Tallwood owners in establishing and posting local rules and shall publicize new rules of interest and answer questions regarding rules. She shall have a current copy of the U.S.G.A. rule book.
Sec.5 Communication Committee shall be responsible for all communication of the Tallwood Women’s Club. This shall include but not be limited to publishing the members’ handbook, periodic newsletters, the cheer/telephone tree and any special notes. The Web Master/Newsletter Chair shall be responsible for maintaining the TWC website and distributing email communications to club members. The TWC website shall be used for club business only. Membership recruitment shall be done through newspapers, on-line sites and other available media as designated by the Board of Governors.
Sec.6 The SNEWGA representative shall be responsible for all SNEWGA activities which represent Tallwood Women’s Club.
ARTICLE V – Membership and Dues
Sec.1 Membership applications shall be received from females eighteen (18) years of age or older.
Sec.2 To be eligible for a major tournament a member must have played in at least four (4) club tournaments one week prior to the first major tournament in which they participate. The Board of Governors reserves the right to adjust the number of tournaments needed to quality for a major tournament due to cancellations prior to the first major of the season. Major tournaments are: Governor’s/President’s Cup; Pro-Trophy Tournament; Memorial Tournament; Club Championship.
Sec.3 Annual dues of the Club shall be determined annually by the Board of Governors.
Sec.4 The fiscal year of the Club shall be from November 1st to October 31st.
ARTICLE VI – Meetings
Sec.1 There shall be one meeting in the Spring to open the golfing season, welcome new members, present the budget and conduct such business as is necessary.
Sec.2 There shall be one meeting in the Fall for presentation of tournament prizes and Treasurer’s report, election of officers and committee chairmen and any other business. Other meetings shall be called by the President.
Article VII – Nominating committee
Sec.1 At least thirty (30) days before the Fall meeting, the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Vice President. At least twenty-one days before the Fall meeting this committee shall prepare a slate of officers and chairmen to be posted at Tallwood for viewing. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.
Sec.2 In the event of an incomplete accepted nominating slate, the incumbent Board of Governors, at its first meeting, shall be responsible for filling the vacancy (vacancies).
ARTICLE VIII – Amendments
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting. The membership shall be notified of proposed changes in writing thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
If you are an existing board member or are considering becoming one in the future, the job descriptions will help you determine what is involved in serving in a particular role. Click on the appropriate file to view.