CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS (Revised April 16, 2013)
ARTICLE I - Name and Object
Sec. 1 This Club shall be called Tallwood Women’s Club.
Sec. 2 Its objectives are to promote greater interest in the game of golf; to regulate the activities of the 9 and/or 18 hole golfer; to schedule competitive tournaments, including a Club Championship, to be open to all qualifying women golfers; and to create new friendships and encourage good sportsmanship .
ARTICLE II – Officers
Sec.1 The Executive Officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Sec.2 The President shall preside at all Board, Club and special meetings and call such at her discretion. She will be an ex-officio member of all committees. She will be an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors during the year(s) immediately following her presidency.
Sec.3 The Vice President shall assist the President, and in her absence, assume the duties of the President. It will be her responsibility to chair and appoint the nominating committee and coordinate the Mentor Program. In addition she will assist the membership in clarifying the USGA rules.
Sec.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Club and Board meetings, be responsible for necessary correspondence, and turn over her minutes to the incoming secretary.
Sec. 5 The Treasurer shall prepare a budget to be presented at the Spring meeting, collect all monies, pay all bills, keep records for possible audit, and prepare an accounting sheet of monies received and expended for the year to be presented at the Fall meeting. She shall turn over all records to the incoming treasurer.
ARTICLE III – Board of Governors
Sec. 1 The Board of Governors shall consist of the Executive Officers and all committee and sub-committee chairpersons. All members of the Board of Governors shall be voting members of the Board.
Sec. 2 A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board of Governors. Voting decisions shall be based on a simple majority of the quorum present.
Sec. 3 In the event of vacancies on the Board of Governors after the annual elections, such vacancies shall be filled by a simple majority of the quorum present.
Sec.4 The Board of Governors shall have general charge and control of the affairs, funds and property of the club.
Sec.5 The Board of Governors shall make and amend its own rules and make other rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Constitution.
Sec.6 The Board of Governors can suspend, censure or expel a member of the club by 2/3 vote when action is warranted.
Sec.7 The Board of Governors shall receive and hear all complaints in writing from any member and make a full investigation.
Sec.8 The Board of Governors shall formulate and propose amendments to the Constitution as found necessary for action by the membership.
Sec.9 The Board of Governors may call a special meeting of the club at anytime or a member may submit a petition signed by 1/8 of the membership, requesting a special meeting, giving at least one week’s notice to time and place of meeting to members. Quorum shall consist of 25 percent of the membership.
Sec.10 Board members are expected to attend all board meetings
Sec.11 Order of business at Board of Governor’s meetings: 1) Roll Call; 2) Reading of Minutes and action and correction thereon; 3) Reading of Treasurer’s report and action; 4) Reports from President and Vice President; 5) Reports from all committee chairpersons; 6) Unfinished business; 7) New business; 8) Adjournment.
ARTICLE IV – Committees
Sec.1 The Tournament Committee shall prepare a schedule of tournaments for the season and arrange a Club Championship for all qualified Tallwood Women’s Club golfers. It shall determine the types of prizes (Pro Shop credit or gifts) and the amount of money involved and the number of flights. They shall submit same to the Board of Governors for approval. After approval by the Board of Governors, the tournament schedule shall be submitted to the owners of Tallwood for approval. When all approvals are obtained, the schedule shall be turned over to the Communications Chair. The Tournament Committee shall record and post winners of all tournaments. In the event of inclement weather, the Tournament Chair, or her designee, will determine if the tournament should be cancelled. The ringer records, birdie par tree and trophy engraving are also the responsibility of this committee.
Sec.2 The Handicap Committee shall be responsible for submitting necessary handicap records to the GHIN system and for posting updated handicaps in a timely manner.
Sec. 3 The Social Committee shall make all arrangements for the Spring and Fall meetings. It shall be responsible for refreshments on tournament days when required. It shall arrange luncheons when necessary on guest days and special tournament days and provide hostesses.
Sec.4 The Vice-President shall work in conjunction with the Tournament Committee and Tallwood owners in establishing and posting local rules and shall publicize new rules of interest and answer questions regarding rules. She shall have a current copy of the U.S.G.A. rule book.
Sec.5 Communication Committee shall be responsible for all communication of the Tallwood Women’s Club. This shall include but not be limited to publishing the members’ handbook, periodic newsletters, the cheer/telephone tree and any special notes. The Web Master/Newsletter Chair shall be responsible for maintaining the TWC website and distributing email communications to club members. The TWC website shall be used for club business only. Membership recruitment shall be done through newspapers, on-line sites and other available media as designated by the Board of Governors.
Sec.6 The SNEWGA representative shall be responsible for all SNEWGA activities which represent Tallwood Women’s Club.
ARTICLE V – Membership and Dues
Sec.1 Membership applications shall be received from females eighteen (18) years of age or older.
Sec.2 To be eligible for a major tournament a member must have played in at least four (4) club tournaments one week prior to the first major tournament in which they participate. The Board of Governors reserves the right to adjust the number of tournaments needed to quality for a major tournament due to cancellations prior to the first major of the season. Major tournaments are: Governor’s/President’s Cup; Pro-Trophy Tournament; Memorial Tournament; Club Championship.
Sec.3 Annual dues of the Club shall be determined annually by the Board of Governors.
Sec.4 The fiscal year of the Club shall be from November 1st to October 31st.
ARTICLE VI – Meetings
Sec.1 There shall be one meeting in the Spring to open the golfing season, welcome new members, present the budget and conduct such business as is necessary.
Sec.2 There shall be one meeting in the Fall for presentation of tournament prizes and Treasurer’s report, election of officers and committee chairmen and any other business. Other meetings shall be called by the President.
Article VII – Nominating committee
Sec.1 At least thirty (30) days before the Fall meeting, the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Vice President. At least twenty-one days before the Fall meeting this committee shall prepare a slate of officers and chairmen to be posted at Tallwood for viewing. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.
Sec.2 In the event of an incomplete accepted nominating slate, the incumbent Board of Governors, at its first meeting, shall be responsible for filling the vacancy (vacancies).
ARTICLE VIII – Amendments
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting. The membership shall be notified of proposed changes in writing thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.