SNEWGA was first organized in 1956. Today SNEWGA numbers 30 member clubs and its program includes Round Robin, Pro-Lady, Team Day, Invitational, Fall Cup Matches, Seniors Championships and Tournament of Champions.
Membership in SNEWGA affords participants the opportunity for competitive golf; improving our game while building new friendships as we meet and play with active members of other clubs throughout Connecticut. Each member club is required to host a major tournament or invitational every three years.
PAR RINGERS: Only pars from Tournament play at Tallwood may be posted. This is for high handicappers only: eighteen hole players with handicaps 35 and higher; nine hole players with handicaps 18 and higher.
BIRDIE RINGERS: Only birdies from Tournament play at Tallwood may be posted. Everyone is eligible.
RINGER CARDS: RINGERS are tracked by GOLF GENIUS. This year-long tournament will be flighted. Cut-off date to be determined by the Tournament Committee.
YELLOW PENALTY AREA: Any sea, lake, pond, river, ditch, surface drainage ditch or other open water course (regardless of whether or not it contains water), and anything of a similar nature. All ground or water within the margin of a water hazard, whether or not it be covered with any growing substance, is part of the water hazard. The margin of a water hazard is deemed to extend vertically upwards and downwards. This area is defined by yellow stakes.
RED PENALTY AREA: is a water hazard or that part of a water hazard so situated that it is not possible or is deemed by the Committee to be impractical to drop a ball behind the water hazard and keep the spot at which the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard between the player and the hole. This area is defined by red stakes.
HANDICAP: All official TWC tournament scorecards must be submitted to the scorecard box on day of play. Adjusted scores will be calculated and posted to GHIN by GOLF GENIUS. Cards must include full names of players and be signed.
ALL SCORES from other rounds played at Tallwood AND other courses must be recorded in GHIN by the player, preferably on the day of play. These scores should be entered hole by hole, and GHIN will determine your adjusted score. If you enter only a total score, you must make the adjusts yourself. As of 2020, there are new adjustment rules that you need to use; so it’s easier if you enter hole by hole.
We will transfer established USGA Handicaps from other clubs for new members. New members without handicaps will be handicapped after they have posted three (3) 18 hole rounds, in any combination of 9 and 18 hole rounds. There are no longer separate 9- and 18-hole handicaps. Always check the bulletin board for handicap revisions.
Tallwood Women’s Club recognizes a maximum Handicap Index of 54 which converts to a course handicap of 60 at for 18 holes at Tallwood and 30-32 for 9 holes.
When in attendance, participation in weekly tournaments is mandatory.
A player’s score for each hole is capped at a maximum set by the Committee. Tallwood Women’s Club is setting a maximum score of 10.
A player who does not complete a hole (often referred to informally as “picking up”) is not disqualified, but simply gets the maximum score for that hole.
This is NOT an option, we expect all players to use this whenever necessary, in the interest of pace of play for the entire playing field.
Four hours and fifteen minutes is the expected pace of play for 18 hole groups. (1/2 of this for the 9 hole groups)
Keep carts on path or in rough. Cross the fairway at 90 degrees.
No. 3 Option A – When tee shot goes into pond, re-tee, hitting 3.
Option B – When tee shot goes into pond, proceed to Drop Area, hitting 3.
No. 6 Out of bounds beyond stone wall on left side of fairway.
No. 7 Free lift from drainage ditch in front of left fairway Trap, one club length, no nearer the hole.
No. 8 Left of fairway is a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 10 Swampy area in woods to left of ditch is not deemed as casual water.
No. 11 YELLOW PENALTY AREA rule applies. Use drop area.
No. 12 Option A – When tee shot goes into pond, re-tee, hitting 3.
Option B – When tee shot goes into pond, proceed to drop area, hitting 3.
Option C – When tee shot goes into pond, drop ball at point where ball crosses hazard, hitting 3.
Option D: – Use new optional drop area, hitting 3.
No. 13 Water on right of fairway is a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 14 Ditch and culvert on right side of fairway near trap, play as a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 15 Play as a RED PENALTY AREA.
No. 16 Free lift from stone drainage ditch in front of women’s tee.
No. 17 Pond is a YELLOW PENALTY AREA. Use drop area.
No. 18 Pond on right side of fairway is a RED PENALTY AREA.
Stones may be removed from all bunkers without penalty.
There are no drops from stone walls. They are considered an integral part of the golf course.
Local and USGA Rules apply to weekly tournaments. In major tournament play, USGA rules govern play. Refer to your “Rules of Golf” Manual. If a dispute arises, drop another ball and continue play. Confer with the Pro or the Vice-President when the round is completed as to which ball is correct.